Pagina: Nieuwsbrief response

Reageer op: Our company is looking for an Interim team member for our Immigration team. Our Immigration team is primarily engaged in advising and guiding our clients through the various Dutch Immigration procedures

Verwachte opdrachtduur: Verwachte duur is 4 maanden

Plaats/regio: Amsterdam / thuis

Profiel van het bedrijf: We are a growing company providing financial and legal services to a wide range of international clients.

Profiel van de opdracht: • Advising clients and expats with respect to labor migration immigration procedures, including recognized sponsorship. • Preparing and submitting (combined) residence and work permit applications. • Advising clients and expats with respect to and preparing and submitting 30% ruling applications. • Advising and, if applicable, assisting clients and expats with post-arrival formalities such as; registration with the municipality, receiving their BSN, picking up their residence card, arranging for

Profiel van de manager: • Completed HBO law degree, an affinity for immigration or international law a pré. • Excellent oral and written proficiency in Dutch and English. • Experience in working with online portals e.g. IND, UWV, Belastingdienst • Minimum of 3 years experience in this field


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