Pagina: Nieuwsbrief response

Reageer op: Gezocht, interim Projectmanager Logistic

Verwachte opdrachtduur: 6 months

Plaats/regio: Randstad

Profiel van het bedrijf: Logistics

Profiel van de opdracht: The project is for implementing new Vessel planning system across all vessel operations of the company. A software partner has been chosen for this project and the work will require working closely with this partner along with IT department and various operational departments to deliver the project successfully according to scope and plan. The project will also include monitoring interface developments and testing

Profiel van de manager: Lead the project internally and act as bridge between different stakeholders • Gather understanding of shipping related processes and contribute in defining requirements and improvements • Make sure project is delivered according to scope, goals and deliverables • Maintain project schedule and timeline • Plan resources from IT and operations • Monitor progress and budget • Manage issues and risks • Present to stakeholders reports on progress as well as problems and solutions

Opmerkingen: Practical project management knowledge & experience • Knowledge of general PM techniques and tools • Experience in strategic planning, risk management and/or change management • Experience from Transport & Logistics industry is a plus

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