Pagina: Nieuwsbrief response

Reageer op: We are searching for an Interim Senior Data Scientist in the region of Utrecht.

Verwachte opdrachtduur: 6 maanden, gemiddeld 5 dagen per week.

Plaats/regio: Utrecht

Profiel van het bedrijf: Currently there are 4 project you will be involved with. You will be working on: Advanced Analytics, Forecasting, Unlocking data and Algorithm based on customer database.

Profiel van de opdracht: Requirements: At least 5/7 years work related experience in a similar role, experience working in Python, SQL, experience working with statistics, data infrastructure, machine learning, available from the 1st of September and are confident in both English and Dutch language.

Profiel van de manager: Our ideal candidate: Is innovative, is eager to learn, is flexible in terms of workdays, likes to interact with colleagues, has run multiple / various projects, handles working independently, is in the beginning of a project more executive than managerial and is eager to make processes more effective.

Opmerkingen: Benefits: Assignment for 3 till 6 months (longer period is possible) and the company has its own parking space, it is also easily accessible by public transport.

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