Pagina: Nieuwsbrief response

Reageer op: Gezocht, Interim Tax specialist, verantwoordelijk voor Tax Mgt processen met focus op BTW en Douane (accounting, compliance-audit, transferpricing, advisory, reports-kpi's)

Verwachte opdrachtduur: 3 maanden, gemiddeld 5 dagen per week.

Plaats/regio: Midden Nederland

Profiel van het bedrijf: Zorg en Welzijn

Profiel van de opdracht: Assist in preparing various forms of reports for tax filings such as income tax returns, sales tax returns and other tax reports and analysis. Participate in the preparation of quarterly and annual tax projections and reports and perform provisions. Prepare tax returns, customs declarations, VAT corrections and tax documentation support.Validate customs duties and tax accounting, provide accounting for corporate income tax and support with deferred tax assets and liabilities. Provide Tax advice.

Profiel van de manager: BTW ervaring een vereiste! Team player Actively listen and manage stakeholders Consistently deliver business value Ability to exercise judgment with defined procedures and practices Continuous improvement mentality Deliver agreed results & goes the extra mile Analytical and problem solver Tax and business acumen Proud of quality and adapts to change Working knowledge of tax accounting procedures standards and software (1-3 years). BSc/BA degree in Tax.


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