Pagina: Nieuwsbrief response

Reageer op: Gezocht, interim Situation Manager.

Verwachte opdrachtduur: 11 maanden, gemiddeld 5 dagen per week.

Plaats/regio: Rijswijk

Profiel van het bedrijf:

Profiel van de opdracht: Performs Situation Manager role. Acts as one of several regional situation managers. Coordinates and tracks Situation and Service at Risk resolution. Create and maintain effective working relationships. Applies to the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Incident Management function, Exercises independent judgment within defined policies and practices to determine best method for accomplishing resolutions.

Profiel van de manager: 8+ years experience. Expert: Applies advanced subject matter knowledge to complex IT business issues. Works on problems where analysis of situations or data requires an in-depth evaluation of multiple factors and or bundles. Has broad spectrum of technology knowledge. Frequently represents the organisation to external clients and bundles. Leads and / or provides expertise to functional teams and may participate in cross-functional initiative.

Opmerkingen: Need is immediate and would run through end of 2019 for right candidate. The hourly rate for this position is max. €80,-.

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