Pagina: Nieuwsbrief response

Reageer op: Do you have experience working in a FMCG industry and are you currently looking for a new interim challenge within procurement? We are looking for an Interim Procurement Specialist FMCG

Verwachte opdrachtduur: 3 months

Plaats/regio: North-Holland

Profiel van het bedrijf: International FMCG organization

Profiel van de opdracht: • Developing strategic sourcing plans • Collaborating with different stakeholders (such as Marketing, Sales, Operations) to ensure sourcing strategies and opportunities are implemented • Developing and maintaining supplier relationships to improve the company\'s supply chain • Making efficiency improvements and cost reductions of supplier operations to enhance the sourcing strategy • Implementing tender processes and evaluating the current materials and services

Profiel van de manager: • Bachelor or Master degree within relevant speciality in procurement and/or supply chain; • Preferably NEVI 1 and 2; • Minimum of two years experience in a procurement position, preferably within a FMCG organisation; • Experience with common IT tools; • Analytic in decision making;


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